Groups: Overview
Groups are a powerful way to manage your users. User groups allow you to assign or restrict specific content to groups of users, communicate with them via letters or notifications, report on group engagement, and more.
This article introduces group types in the Intellum Platform and walks you through accessing the Groups list, and utilizing groups.
Note: There is an Intellum platform limit of 2000 groups for standard accounts and 3000 groups for enterprise accounts.
Group types
In the Intellum Platform, unrestricted administrators can create two types of groups:
- Manual groups: Allow you to add specific users as members of the group
- Auto groups: Allow you to pull in users who meet selected criteria, largely based on user attributes gathered at registration. For example, you can auto group users by company name, job title, email domain, or location.
The Groups list
To access the Groups list, click Groups in the admin nav panel.

By default, the Groups list reflects all groups in your account. Use the search tool to quickly locate a group. The following admin options are available from the Users list based on your admin permission level:

1.) Create New Group
- Create a new manual or auto group by defining group properties and controlling membership.
2.) Membership
- Filter the Groups list to see only Auto or Manual groups.

Utilizing groups in the platform
Let’s say that you want to create a different platform experience for users based on their position, their location, their management level, or something else entirely. Groups can be used to control aspects of each experience.
Example One:
Maybe you want to assign a course to all users who are General Managers. What do you need first? You'll want an auto group that pulls together all of the General Managers, based on position.
Example Two:
You have a group of users who are working on a special project and they need access to specific courses in the system. They don’t share any common attributes except they all are participating in this project. What do you need? In this case, you'd use a Manual Group.

Enable Intellum applications
Another reason that groups are important: they control access to applications like Social — our social engagement app, Gamification — our game mechanics tool, and Evolve — our integrated content authoring tool. Each group can have their own Social, be a part of their own team in Gamification, or have access to Evolve from within the platform.

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