Logic Overview
This article walks you through Evolve's Logic tool and its main features.
An introduction to Logic
Logic allows you to apply different features withing a course to create a more personalized, customized learning experience. Logic features include the following:
- Triggers
- Variables
- Dialogs
- Logic Compatible Components

Triggers, Variables, and Dialogs can be found in the Logic section of a course and logic compatible components can be found when filtering by variables in the component search.
A trigger consists of an ‘event’, ‘condition’ and an ‘action’. They are essentially rules that can be applied to a course to trigger a certain action:
Event + Condition = Action
Event: The event the course is listening to, for example, component completion
Condition: The condition that must be met, for example, which component must be completed
Action: The resulting action that will be taken once the event and condition are met, for example showing hidden content.
Variables allow you to save learner inputs and use them elsewhere in a course, either within a component or as part of a trigger. For example, their name or a response to a question.
First, a variable must be created in the Logic section. Then, in order to save the input from a learner into the variable you must use:
- A logic compatible component:
- Branching
- Checkbox Group
- Game
- Number Input
- Radio Group
- Select
- Slider Input
- Text Area
- Certain extensions_:_ Certain extensions (course attainment and course assessment) will allow you to save their information to a variable
Variables can be stored as string (text), number, or boolean (true or false) values. Once the data is stored in the variable, it can be used as part of a trigger or used in component body text by using the Insert Variable option in the text editor.
What is a logic compatible component?
A logic compatible component is one that is able to save a learner’s response to a variable. Once the variable has been set up, you can then add a logic compatible component (from the list above) and choose to save the response to a variable in the Behavior tab of the component.
Once the response has been saved it can then be used elsewhere in a course, either within a trigger or in the text of a component.
Use Logic with SCORM
Please refer to this article to understand how to ensure your Logic course is compatible with SCORM before publishing it to your LMS:

Use Logic with SCORM

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