Add a Payment Method
To make learning content available for purchase, you'll need to give users a way to make a purchase. Payment methods are the different payment options available to users at checkout. Intellum E-commerce enables you to utilize the payment methods of your choice on your learning site.
This article provides instructions on accessing the Configurations section of Intellum E-commerce to add a payment method and walks you through editing or deleting an existing payment method.
Configure a Payment Gateway
You'll need to configure a payment gateway to give users a payment method. Intellum E-commerce provides set ups for multiple payment gateway providers through Spree.
Spree User Documentation: Supported Gateways
Configure a supported payment gateway in Intellum E-commerce by selecting the Configuration tab and navigating to Payment Methods.
For additional information on adding different gateways, see the following article.

Configure Payment Gateways - User Guide

Add a New Payment Method
Follow these steps to add a new payment method and configure a payment gateway:

- Click New Payment Method.
- Select a payment gateway provider from the dropdown list (e.g. Stripe).
- Add the following information, as applicable, to create the new payment method:
Give the payment method a name (e.g. Credit Card, Pay with Card, etc.). The name you enter here will appear to users as a payment option at checkout.
Description is optional and only appears as an internal note.
Choose if the payment method appears on the front-end to the user, the back-end to an admin, or both.
The front-end is where users will see the payment method displayed as a payment option during checkout.
The back-end lets you make a payment option available to internal staff but not to users. For example, you might need to offer a back-end payment option to users on a one-off basis, and allow a representative from your company to process the payment via Purchase Order or other means.
Authorization with Auto-Capture is the most common type of credit card transaction. The amount is sent for authorization, and if approved, is automatically submitted for settlement.
Auto-Capture is turned on by default for new payment methods in Intellum E-commerce.
Select Yes if you want the payment method to go live. Select No to add the payment method, and return to make it active at a later date.
4. after defining each of the above settings, click Create to add the payment method and configure the payment gateway connection.
Configure the Payment Gateway
Once you've created a new payment method, you'll need to follow up to configure the connection between Intellum E-commerce and your payment gateway provider.
The platform will ask you to add Payment Provider Settings when you create a new payment method. Payment provider settings fields can vary based on your selected payment gateway provider.

Add the required information and click Update at the bottom of the page to save the payment gateway configuration.
Edit a Payment Method
Edit an existing payment method by selecting the Configuration tab and navigating to Payment Methods. Find the payment method that you would like to edit on the list that appears.

Click the pencil icon next to the payment method to edit its settings. Click Update when you are ready to save your edits.
Delete a Payment Method
Click the trash can icon next to a payment method to delete it. You will be asked to confirm the deletion, click OK in the confirmation modal to proceed.
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