Custom Banner Section
A Custom Banner Section gives you space on the Homepage to share linked resources with your learners. A customer banner section can be used to connect learners to Help/FAQs, internal resources, or external content - it's up to you.
To create a custom banner section, you'll need:
- A Name for the banner section (i.e. Featured Resources)
- Any Group restrictions (i.e. Customers, Clients) - if needed.
- An image for each card included in the banner section (i.e. icon, graphic)
- URLs of linked web resources (i.e.

This article covers adding a custom banner section to your Home Layout, adding Banner Images and information, and configuring banner images within a section.

Add a Custom Banner Section
Custom banner sections can be added to the homepage of any Organization via Account Settings>Organization>Home Layout Settings.
- Navigate to the Home Layout Settings of an Organization.
- In the Home Sections Layout section, click the Add Section button.
- Click the Add button on the custom banner section.

4. Name the section. The section name can be made visible to learners on the homepage.
5. Set other Home Sections properties - including display options and, if needed, restricting the section's visibility.
6. Click Save to create the custom banner section.
The section is added to the Home Sections Layout of the Organization.
Once added to the Home Sections Layout, you can access and edit the banner section properties via the gear icon. Use the X icon to remove the section.

Learn more about Home Sections Properties:
Home Sections Properties

Add Banner Images & Information
Once you've created a banner section you can then add, edit, and configure the images included in the banner section.
To add a new Banner Image to a section, follow these steps:

- Click the Edit Banner Images link on a banner section.
- Click Add Image.
- On the Add Banner Image page, click Choose File to upload an image. Recommended dimensions are 1100x620px.
- Add a URL to link the banner image to a web resource.
- Add a Description to add a text pop-up for your banner image.

Configure Banner Images
You can access and edit a banner image's properties via the gear icon. Drag and drop a banner image within the banner image list to control its order within the section when visible to learners - as seen below:

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