Add & Manage Path Activities
To give learners access to important content all in one place, you will want to add activities to a Path. This article details how you can add new or existing activities to a path, add sections, and manage a path's flow, settings, and properties.

Add activities to a path
Build your path's curriculum by adding existing activities, or by creating new Pages, Assessments, or E-learning in the Compose tab for the path.
Add an existing activity
- From the Compose page, click the + Add New Activity button.
- Select Add Existing Activity to search for and add an existing Page, Assessment, E-learning, Video, or Audio activity.
- Search for an activity using a title or keyword from the title. Intellum lists and auto-fills results as you type.
- Select the appropriate activity from the results.
- Click Save to add the activity to your path.

Create a New Activity (Page, Assessment, E-learning)
- From the Compose page, click the + Add New Activity button.
- Select Create: New Page, New Assessment, New E-Learning, New Audio Activity, or New Audio Activity - as needed.
- Give the new activity a Title.
- Use the Scheduled Activity setting to enable live Events - if needed on pages, assessments, E-learning, or Evolve courses.
- Click the Create button.
After adding an existing activity, or creating a new activity, you are returned to the Compose tab of the path.

Manage activities in a path
Once an activity is added to a path, it can be moved within a Section, or moved to a different Section. Select the appropriate activity row and use the drag-and-drop feature to place the activity.
Clicking the menu icon at the end of an activity row gives you access to:
- Activity Settings
- Control an activity's behavior and appearance within the path
- Remove Activity
- Deletes an activity from the path. Any activity you create in a path remains accessible via the Content list if removed.
- Go to Activity
- Access an activity's content, Properties, or Enrollments.

Activity Settings
All activities offer the following path Settings when added:
Exempt if Passed
If enabled, the learner is exempted from the remaining activities in the path and receives a Completion for the path.
Status Shape
Choose a circle or star icon to represent the activity in the path overview for learners. Useful in highlighting specific activities in a path.

Assessment and eLearning activities feature these additional path Settings:
Count This Activity Toward the Score of the Path (Assessments)
Control whether an assessment has an effect on the learner's ability to complete a path.
Max Attempts (Assessments/eLearning)
Let learners reattempt an assessment or eLearning that was not passed (up to 10 attempts)
Heads up!
If Max Attempts is set to None, users will be able to retake the activity within the path as many times as they want.

Add Sections to a Path
Sections group the activities in your path and help you sequence its curriculum. Sections have the same drag-and-drop feature as activities to let you customize the flow of a path.
From the Compose page, click the + Add New Section button.
A new Section is added to the path. The Section title and description can both be edited inline - as needed.

Clicking the kebab dropdown at the end of the Section row gives you access to:
- Section | Settings
- Control Section completion rules and learner access.
- Delete Section
- Remove the Section, and all activities within it, from the path.

Note: Users are prompted to confirm the Section deletion by acknowledging its impact on associated activity enrollments.
Section | Settings
Once created, Sections have their own Setting that controls its appearance and functionality for learners.
Section Completion Rules
Define how the activities in a Section must be completed:
- Complete in Any Order
- Complete in Order
- [Activites] Optional
Note: The All dropdown allows you to define how many Activities in the Section are required - dependent on the number of Activities currently in the Section.
Lock Activities Until
Enter a date in this field to lock access to the Section until that date. Activities within the section are given a 'lock' icon; the date the Section will be available is visible to learners.

Initial View
Control if a Section is Full or Collapsed when a learner views the path - as seen below:

Path Properties
Path Properties give you access to control the settings for the path in your account. Activities across the platform share common Properties. The Properties highlighted in this section help you with specific aspects of delivering your learning content in path.
General Properties | Paths
Path Activity Setup

Choose whether the activities in a path will be Sequenced with navigation or Launch Direct into each activity independently from the path home page.
Catalog Properties | Paths
Deep Search
When enabled in a path's Properties, the Deep Search property prevents the activities included in a path from appearing in search results in the context of the path.
Enrollment Properties | Paths
Activity Eligibility
Sometimes learners complete an activity before being enrolled in a path that contains the same Activity. Activity Eligibility lets you restrict how far back the system should look for completed learning activities:
All learning activities are eligible: gives credit for all completed learning activity enrollments.
Only learning activities that were completed after path enrollment are eligible: only gives credit for learning activities that were completed after the path enrolled date.
Only learning activities that were completed X months prior to path enrollment are eligible: only gives credit for learning activities that were completed X (i.e. 3, 6, etc.) number of months before the path enrolled date.
Only learning activities that were completed after X date are eligible: only gives credit for learning activities with a completed-on date that takes place after the date you define with this option.

Advanced Properties | Paths
Card View
Enable the Card View property and learners will see the activities in your path represented by Cards featuring activity Cover Art.
Section Order
Enable the Section Order property to require learners to complete all Sections in the path in the order they appear.

Learn more about Activity Properties:
Activity Properties

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