Bulk Import Categories, Groups, Tags & Mappings
Bulk imports are an efficient way to add or update taxonomy items and mappings in your Tagging Library. Unrestricted admin can use a .csv file to bulk import data to the Intellum platform.
A bulk import can create new taxonomy items (categories, groups, tags) and tag mappings or update existing items and tag mappings by overwriting properties.
This article will guide you through creating import files and bulk importing taxonomy items and tag mappings.
Things to note:
- A .csv file is required for the import.
- There is no undo for bulk imports. Issues caused by a bulk import can be resolved by fixing the file and repeating the import process.
Follow these steps to bulk import taxonomy items or tag mappings through your Tagging Library:
- Navigate to Tags in the expanded admin nav panel.
- Select Import.
- Choose to import Categories, groups, and tags or tag Mappings.
- Download the sample file to use as a template to create your own import file for taxonomy items or tag mappings
- Add your data to create an import file that will map your data to the appropriate fields in the platform,
- Upload your file through the Bulk import page to create and/or update taxonomy items or tag mappings.
Things to note:
- A .csv file is required for the import.
- There is no undo for bulk imports. Issues caused by a bulk import can be resolved by fixing the file and repeating the import process.
Bulk Import Taxony Items & Mappings
The bulk import pages for Taxonomy items (categories, groups, and tags) and Taxonomy tag mappings (tagging activities and topics) include notes and instructions to walk you through a successful import. You will find a sample import file linked on each page that can be used as a template to create an import file.
The import page features a table highlighting the structure and description of each column included in the bulk user import file. This information is also available in a downloadable spreadsheet from each import page.
Set up a Categories, groups, & tags import file

- If you're creating new taxonomy items (categories, groups, and tags) each code must be unique to the platform
- If you're updating existing items, use their existing user codes
- Every column in the sample file must be included in your import file. If you don't have data for a column, you can leave it blank
- An import file that includes existing taxonomy items will overwrite existing data - this includes removing data if a column is left blank
- User data is required in columns A-E for a successful import
Set up a Mappings import file

- To create new mappings you must include the unique Code of the tag(s) and activity (Course) or topic (Category)
- If you're updating existing items, use their existing codes
- Every column in the sample file must be included in your import file. If you don't have data for a column, you can leave it blank
- An import file that includes existing will overwrite existing data - this includes removing data if a column is left blank
- Data is required in columns A-C for a successful import
Upload an import file
With your .csv import file prepared, follow these steps to bulk import your file:
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Choose File.
Select the .csv file you created for your bulk import.
Click Upload.
Preview your import to validate the data and the column structure.
Click Import File.
New taxonomy items will appear in the Tagging Library after a successful import. New tag mappings will appear on the Usage tab of a tag, and in an activity or topic's Tagging properties
Heads up!
If you don't see your new taxonomy items or tag mappings right away, check the System Log to follow up on the status of your import file. Large imports may be queued before being completed.
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