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Topic localization lets you quickly create locale-specific versions of your topics and topic sections for each language locale you support. Localized topics/topic sections are added as equivalent children to the parent topic/topic section they are based on.

This article walks you through adding a localized topic or topic section and gives an overview of managing topic locales in the platform.

Things to Note:

  • To add a locale-specific version of a topic or topic section, you must have at least one active Locale enabled for your account.

Add a Localized Topic or Topic Section

Navigate to Topics in the expanded admin panel. Select an existing topic or topic section to create a locale-specific version of that topic/topic section.

Follow these steps to create a localized version of a topic or topic section:

  1. Open the locale drop-down menu in the header.
  2. Select Add New Locale.
  3. Select an active locale from the locales list.
  4. Click Add Locale.
  5. A localized version of the topic/topic section is created and ready to be translated.

Manage Locale-Specific Topics

When you create a locale-specific topic/topic section, a parent-child relationship is created between the original, parent topic and the locale-specific version, or child topic.

Select the locale drop-down if you need to return to the original, parent locale or to switch a different child locale.

Once a new child locale is added, the parent locale is highlighted by a star icon in the locale drop-down.

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