E-Learning Overview
Courseware packages - like Evolve, AICC and SCORM 1.2 - can be added to the Intellum platform as E-Learning activities.
This article gives an overview of publishing and maintaining courseware packages as E-learning in the platform.

Create new e-learning

- Navigate to Content in the admin nav panel.
- Click + New and choose E-Learning.
- Give your new e-learning file a Title.
- Select the courseware package (.zip) File from your computer.
- Use the Change link to update the file - if needed.
- Assign the e-learning to the appropriate Locale - if needed.
- Use the Scheduled Activity setting to enable live events - if needed.
- Click Create.
Heads up!
If the file does not publish correctly, Intellum will generate a message detailing the issue(s).

E-learning Compose page
When you create a new E-learning activity, you are taken to the Compose tab for your the activity. Compose gives admin the opportunity to edit and preview the activity page, and launch the courseware package in Debug mode - for troubleshooting purposes.

- Compose brings activity page authoring to E-learning activities and gives you a preview of the activity page in Learner view.
- Add Hero Image lets you customize the activity page with a banner graphic.
- Edit or update the e-learning Title or Description while working in Compose - all changes are saved immediately. If you added a Cover Image for the activity, you'll see it reflected on the Compose page.
- Launch in Debug Mode lets you preview the e-learning as a Learner. An enrollment is created when you launch the e-learning. To reset progress in the e-learning course, delete your enrollment and relaunch.

Update or replace E-Learning
From the E-learning Properties page:

- Access the General properties tab.
- Delete the existing file.
- Click the Upload a new file link under File.
- The Upload a Package page appears.

5. Click Choose File; find and select the updated package for upload.
6. Intellum uploads the file. Use Change to update the file - if needed.
7. The platform gives you the option to clear course progress for enrolled learners - based on the changes made to the courseware package:
- Check the box if you've made changes to the course that would require a learner to restart the course from the beginning.
- Uncheck the box if you've made changes to the course that should not impact a learner's progress.
8. Click Save.
The new courseware package is uploaded to the Activity. Make any changes to the Title, Description, or other Properties as needed.
Updating a course with In-Progress enrollments
As outlined in the steps above, you first have to delete the existing file in order to update a courseware package.
If there are in-progress enrollments attached to the activity - meaning there are learners who have not yet completed the course - the platform generates the following disclaimer:

Heads up!
If you delete an existing file, learners with in-progress enrollments don't have access to launch the E-learning until a new file is uploaded. Once a new file is uploaded, learners with in-progress enrollments may find that the new course does not reflect their progress from the previous version.

Publish e-learning
Knowing how to design, build and test your courseware goes a long way towards ensuring your users have the best possible learning experience. We have compiled links to publishing guides for five of the most-used authoring tools in the industry. Regardless of the authoring tool you choose, we recommend publishing your courseware as a SCORM 1.2, instead of AICC, if producing a .zip file.

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