Intellum Social: Reputation-Based Gamification in Q&A
It's finally here! Intellum's industry-leading suite of built-in, Reputation-Based Gamification capabilities are now available in Q&A, a part of Intellum Social!
Quickly connect with valuable subject-matter experts and high achievers and accelerate your own skill acquisition through peer-to-peer knowledge sharing with Reputation-Based Gamification in Q&A, a part of Intellum Social.

Learn from Your Leaders
Find Q&A members with the most expertise, highest achievements, and track record of engagement.
Share Knowledge, Build Skills
Get recognized for your own contributions by earning Reputation across key Skills when you ask, answer, and vote on questions.
Make It Measurable
Tie peer knowledge sharing to skills-based goals and business initiatives with quantifiable Reputation reporting across both Course and Q&A activity.
For Learners
Learn From Your Leaders
Easily identify Q&A members with the most Q&A Reputation, overall Skills Reputation, and highest achievements, so you can more easily connect with peers you want to learn from.

Q&A Reputation is a measure of points earned specifically through question asking and knowledge sharing, highlighting most helpful people within your Q&A.
Click anyone's profile in Q&A to see their specific Skills, Credentials, and Challenges activity to more easily find peers with the expertise you need.
Share Knowledge, Build Skills
Increase your Reputation across key Skill competencies by asking, answering or voting on Q&A questions.

Tag your questions with available Skills ...

... so you can earn Reputation across those Skills when your peers upvote or solve them.

Easily see the Skills you can build on Question and Topic pages.

For Admins
Make it Measurable
Easily find out where and how learners are earning Skills Reputation, whether through Q&A engagement, course content completion, or Challenges activity with the Reputation Report.

Control the Experience
Enable Q&A Reputation and the Leaderboard with a click and easily control which Q&A Topics do or don't award Reputation in Admin Portal.

Get Started!
Ready to recognize your learners for their knowledge contributions and tie community engagement to meaningful skills development and acquisition?
Implementation Resources
Check out Reputation-Based Gamification in Q&A to get started on setting it up today.

Reputation-Based Gamification in Q&A
Extend skill-building in the Intellum Platform by enabling Intellum's powerful Reputation-based Gamification for your Q&A in Intellum Social. These resources offer an overview of the setup steps in the Intellum Platform and a preview of the resulting learner experience.

Haven't set up Reputation-Based Gamification in the Platform yet?
Check out Intellum Gamification to learn more about how it works so you can start implementing your own gamification strategy now.

Intellum Gamification
Drive user engagement through healthy peer-to-peer competition, foster self-directed skill building and purposeful content consumption, and simplify your learning delivery with new and improved game mechanics natively built into the Intellum platform. This path provides an overview of the key features of Gamification and walks you through the admin and learner experience of Gamification setup and delivery.

Don't have Intellum Social?
Check out Intellum.com/platform/extensions to learn how Intellum Social creates engaging collaboration and networking experiences for your learners.

Social, Chat, and Gamification Built For Education | Intellum
Boost user engagement with social and gamified experiences.

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Already an Intellum customer? Connect with your dedicated Strategic Relationship Manager today!
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