Managing Questions & Answers
In any organization's Q&A page, there's a chance that questionable content may appear. Admins, Q&A moderators, and Auto-Moderation can track and handle content that users have flagged as inappropriate or incorrect.
This article will cover managing questions and answers, including tasks such as how to handle flagged content and how to mark a question as solved.
Q&A Moderators
Q&A moderators can be a great help in keeping track of flagged content. To learn how to enable Q&A moderators for specific topics, see the following article:

Enable Community & Create Community Topics

Admins can enable Auto-Moderation to allow an AI to assist in automatically filtering and removing inappropriate Q&A content. To learn how to enable Auto-Moderation, see the following article:

Intellum Social App Settings

Flagged Content
Auto-removing Flagged Content
Admins can set flag limits to automatically remove questions and answers that are flagged enough. To learn how to auto-remove flagged content, see the following article:

Intellum Social App Settings

Manually Handling Flagged Content
For more hands-on cases, you can rely on Q&A moderators; only they can see flagged content in the topics they're assigned to. A question or answer that is flagged will have red borders and have a red flag symbol.
Q&A moderators will receive a notification email when a question or answer has been flagged. This email will contain the explanation the Q&A member provided for flagging the content.
Only Q&A moderators can unflag a flagged question or answer. They can do so by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of the question or answer and selecting Unflag.
Solving Questions
Only admins and users who asked a question can mark the question as solved or unsolved. Solved questions are indicated by a green check mark icon. To solve a question, click the three dots in the top right corner of an answer > Solve.
The answer that is chosen as the solution will be marked with a green checkmark icon and pinned to the top of the answer list if there are multiple answers. If you click the three dots again on the same answer, you can select Unsolve if the answer is seen as no longer correct.
Pinning a Question on a Topic Page
On a topic page, you can pin a question and keep it at the top of the question list by clicking the three dots in the top right corner of an answer > Pin. Use this feature to bring focus on questions you think are important to learners.
You can only pin one question at a time and will have to unpin (three dots > Unpin) the existing pinned question before you can pin a new question.
Removing Content
Admins, Q&A moderators, and Auto-Moderation can remove a question or answer. Like the unflagging, solving, and pinning options, click the three dots on a question or answer and select Remove. However, a solved question cannot be removed until it's first unsolved. Similarly, an answer selected as the solution to a question cannot be removed until it's no longer selected as the solution.
Auto-Moderation will automatically remove questions and answers that contain inappropriate content that does not pass through the AI filter.
Moderation Page
Q&A moderators can access a moderation page via the Moderation tab in the top left of the Q&A page. Here they can see the questions and answers under their moderated topics that were flagged, removed, or auto removed. Filtering options are available in the top right of the page.
Q&A moderators can click the three dots icon to the right of each question or answer and select Unflag, Remove, or Restore, depending on the status of the question or answer. When restoring a question or answer, a reason must be provided by the moderator before they can select Restore Content.
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