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95 results returned
  • Course Translation Endpoints

    This article provides an overview of the translation workflows available via the Course Translation and Category Translation endpoints in API v3.

    • Duration 5m
    • Rating 2.0
    • Advanced
  • Versioning Impacts on Enrollments

    This article provides an overview of accessing and managing enrollments across activity drafts and published versions of an activity.

    • Duration 3m
    • Rating 5.0
    • Intermediate
  • Access & Manage Events

    An Event represents a scheduled occurrence of an in-person or virtual - class, meeting, check-in, etc. - that's connected to learning content in the platform. The Events page is your one-stop-shop to register for events and manage the events you're attending or...

    • Duration 5m
    • Rating 3.7
    • Beginner
  • Can Gambling Increase Learner Engagement?

    If an online slot machine is incorporated into a learning management system (LMS), and learners earn “coins” for the machine each time they answer quiz questions correctly, will they be more engaged in the LMS? Take a look at this...

    • Duration 7m
  • Custom Banner Section

    This article covers adding a custom banner row to your Home Layout, adding Banner Images and information, and configuring banner images within a row.

    • Duration 5m
    • Rating 4.3
    • Beginner
  • Evolve Component Reports

    This article includes a breakdown of each Evolve component properties available for use in Evolve interaction reports, identifies the components associated with each property, and provides a description of the interaction each each property tracks.

    • Duration 5m
    • Rating 3.8
    • Intermediate
  • Integrate with Mailchimp

    The Intellum platform integrates with Mailchimp so that you can map the users and groups from your account to an Audience in your Mailchimp account - helping you manage subscriptions and segment users based on group memberships in the Intellum...

    • Path
    • Intermediate
  • Requirements for a Custom Domain

    This article gives an overview of the requirements for setting up a custom domain and the process you'll need to follow to share your SSL certificates with Intellum.

    • Duration 5m
    • Advanced
  • Integrate with BlueJeans

    This path provides an overview of features offered by the BlueJeans platform integrations. It walks you through connecting Intellum to your BlueJeans account and creating BlueJeans meetings or events in the platform.  

    • Path
    • Intermediate
  • Evolve Help Collection

    Learn everything you need to know about Evolve. This collection begins with the basics of Evolve and completes with information on the tool's more advanced features. 

    • Collection
  • Referencing the System Log

    The **System Log** displays a running list of scheduled procedures and tasks that have been or will be completed. This information paves the way for any Unrestricted Administrators in your account to determine whether critical jobs, including imports...

    • Duration 5m
    • Beginner
  • Tips & Shortcuts for Pages

    Learn tips, shortcuts, and best practices to help craft great-looking, engaging Pages.

    • Duration 5m
    • Rating 3.0
    • Beginner
  • Waitlist Requests

    When a user requests to be put on a waitlist when an event is full, or when they request access to an activity which requires admin authorization, these requests accumulate on the Requests page for all administrators (who have the proper...

    • Duration 5m
    • Intermediate
  • Add Captions to Video Components

    This article covers adding a caption file to a video component and gives an overview of the learner experience with captions.

    • Duration 5m
    • Rating 4.0
    • Beginner
  • Learn Evolve: Level 1

    Work through the modules in this path to learn about Evolve and build a working course, focusing on a different aspect of the build in each module.

    • Path
    • Duration 3h
    • Rating 5.0
    • Beginner
  • Integrate with Zoom

    This path gives an overview of the features of the Zoom integration and the platform setup required to integrate a Zoom account. It walks you through the steps and settings associated with creating Zoom events in the platform.

    • Path
    • Intermediate
  • Home Layout Settings

    This article covers the Home Layout Settings for Organizations and gives an overview of adding and configuring Hero Images and Home Rows to personalize Home pages for your learners.

    • Duration 5m
    • Rating 4.5
    • Intermediate
  • Demonstrate Mastery with Adaptive Assessments

    This path offers an overview of the platform set up for adaptive assessments and walks you through enabling the Adaptive grade type for an assessment or evaluation, setting section mastery scores, and adding actions that suggest learning content for follow...

    • Path
    • Advanced
  • Manage Content Development with Versioning

    This path provides an overview of versioning features in the platform, outlines permissions related to versioned activities, and walks you through creating and managing versioned activities. We'll share best practices to ensure that you, and your team, can make the...

    • Path
    • Rating 5.0
    • Advanced
  • Intellum API v3

    Our detailed OpenAPI documentation for API v3 defines all endpoints, parameters, schemas, and responses. The documentation also provides descriptions for all object properties. Example requests and responses are also provided.

    • Path
    • Advanced
  • Integrate with OneTrust Cookie Compliance

    This path provides an overview of the Intellum platform's OneTrust integration, outlines requirements for the integration, and provides best practices related to the set up and deployment of the cookie banner in the platform.

    • Path
    • Intermediate
  • Content Localization & the Translation API

    Our Translation API lets you create and manage Locale-specific versions of activities and Evolve courses for each Locale enabled in your account. When you create a localized version of an activity or Evolve course, the content is ready to be...

    • Path
    • Advanced