April - June 2020 | Product Updates
June 25
Launch as Student
A Launch as Student link is now available across all non-scheduled activity types in the Intellum platform to let you preview your content in Learner View.

Support for Managed in Exceed Courses | API v3
API v3 now supports the creation of Managed in Exceed Evolve courses.
Learn more about Managed in Exceed features:
Create, Edit, & Sync Evolve Courses

June 18
Evolve Interactions & Evolve Item Interactions Reports
We've added Evolve Interactions and Evolve Items Interactions to the available report types to allow you to query and report on user interactions with components and individual component items in your Evolve courses.

Lockdown Browser & Facilitator Verification
We've enhanced assessment functionality in the platform with features to help prevent and detect cheating. Events connected to Scheduled Assessments now feature new settings that allow you to:
- Require the user download and utilize a lockdown browser to be able to launch and complete the assessment
- Require a facilitator verify the user before they are able to launch and complete the assessment
Update to the Letters Experience
We've enhanced the admin experience with Letters by making it easier to access the Letter properties page for edits or updates. You now Delete a Letter - or can choose to Duplicate a Letter - within each individual Letter properties page - as seen below:

'Created On' Data now included in API Response | API v3
Values for 'created_on' are now included in response to calls to Users.

June 4
Allow Learner Feedback on Assessment Questions

We've added a new property to Assessments that allows user feedback on the questions included in your assessments, evaluations, and surveys. Enable Question Feedback in Assessment Properties to give users the ability to leave feedback for individual questions.
Reported Assessment Questions | Report Type
We've added a new report type to the platform to support the new Question Feedback property. The Reported Assessment Questions report gives you access to find, filter, and export the feedback left on assessment questions.
Enable Question Feedback Property | API v3
We've added the ability to enable the new Question Feedback property when creating or updating assessments via API v3.
Activity Permissions within Paths & Collections
Paths and Collections now respect the permissions of the activities they contain. For example, if an activity within a public path is not also public, users will be prompted to log in or register to access the activity.
Inactive Activities in Paths & Collections
Inactive activities within active Paths or Collections are now hidden from users enrolled in Paths/Collections and do not affect a user's ability to complete the Path/Collection. Inactive activities remain visible to admin in the Compose tab of Paths/Collections.

Assessment Code & Assessment ID
Assessment Code and Assessment ID can now be included as a column or used as a filter to target data for the following Report Types:
- Assessment Responses
- Assessment Response Questions
- Survey Responses
- Survey Response Questions
New Page Design for Deleted/Retired/Inactive Activities
We've updated the design of the page seen by users if they access an activity that has been made inactive or deleted - as seen below:

Update 'Position' field in User Profiles | API v3
You can now define or update the 'Position' field in User Profiles via API v3.

May 28
Currency mirrors Stripe integration
The platform now mirrors the currency set up of an integrated Stripe account. For example, if your Stripe account is set up to use GBP, all platform UI elements related to pricing and/or discounts will be displayed in GBP.

GoToWebinar Locale Setup
GoToWebinar events created in the Intellum platform now pass the locale of their associated scheduled activity over to GoToWebinar during initial set up, so that the virtual conferencing tool knows which locale the event is associated with and creates a webinar specific to that locale.

May 21
New Content Sections | Hot Content & Embedded HTML
We've added new content sections to help you highlight trending content and build flexible homepage experiences. Learn more about each new section:
Explore | Hot Content Sections & Rankings

Explore | Embedded HTML Sections

Track Time spent on Assessment Questions
We've enhanced the platform so that you can now track the time users spend on questions in an assessment - or the total time spent on an assessment.
Please note that this data is currently only available for assessments with their Page Setup property set to Question.
A new 'time' column has been added to each of the following reports:
- Assessment Response Question
- 'time' reflects time spent per question (in seconds)

- Assessment Response
- 'time' reflects total time spent on the assessment (in seconds)

May 15
Scheduled Page Activities no longer Autocomplete
Scheduled Pages no longer autocomplete when users access the page content after enrolling in an event. A user's enrollment status now remains 'in-progress/started' until otherwise marked complete.
Calendar Invite Links for Web Conference Events
We've updated the URLs included in calendar invites for web conference events. Calendar invites now include a link to the event page in the Intellum platform as opposed to a direct link to join the web conference.

User Experience | Live & Upcoming Section
Users can now click on the activity name on the event cards included in a Live & Upcoming section to access the activity page without enrolling in an event.

Bulk Upload Web Conference Events
Bulk Event imports now support the creation of web companies nference events through the ‘Type’ column. When adding events in bulk via .CSV, define the ‘Type’ of the event by identifying a web conferencing tool you’ve previously integrated with the platform (i.e. GoToMeeting, GoToTraining, Zoom, etc.).

May 8
Home Sections & New Display Properties
Change the look and feel of a homepage with new Home Sections properties. New Section properties let you highlight your content in new ways, create personalized layouts, and add your own style to homepages.

Explore | Home Sections Properties

User Profile Design Updates
We've updated the design of User Profiles and the Edit Profile page - learn more:
Explore | User Profile Design

We've relocated the Learner View toggle and Help link to the User Profile menu for a more consistent experience when you're switching between Admin and Learner View - as seen below:

Due Date Banner for Paths in a Collection
Users will now see a banner on Path cards in a Collection, if the Path has an associated Due Date - as seen below:

Activity Header for Inline Evolve
Intellum activity header content is now included on inline Evolve activities launched in the platform - including the ability for users to rate the activity in the platform, or leave a review.

April 23
Highlight Live & Upcoming Events on the Home Pages
We've added a new row type to the Home Rows Layout options for Organizations. Add the Live & Upcoming Events row to your Organization home pages to showcase virtual events and let learners easily access and enroll in events.

Alongside this addition, you can now assign an Event Facilitator as an Instructor for events. When assigned, each user will be featured as an instructor on the event cards in the Live & Upcoming Event row.
Live & Upcoming Events Row

E-Commerce | Team Purchases
We've enhanced e-commerce options in the platform to let you offer bulk - or team - licenses for your paid content, making it more efficient for your clients to share learning activities with their teams. One transaction, one credit card payment, one receipt. On payment, the purchaser receives an access code that can be shared with a team; all licenses expire/renew on the same schedule.

E-Commerce Options with Stripe

April 16
Updates to the Search Experience
We updated the search experience in the platform to make it easier for users to find and connect with live events, explore past enrollments, and discover new learning content.
Explore | Search Updates

Enrollment Video Status Metrics for Youtube Live Videos
We've updated the Activity Enrollment Video Status report to ensure that all 'Enrollment Video Status' metrics persist for YouTube Live videos in Pages.

April 9
Activity Facilitators | Assign Event Facilitators
An Activity Facilitator can now assign other Activity Facilitators in the platform as Event Facilitators to the events she creates.

When an Activity Facilitator creates a new Event, she'll see a linked option to Manage Event Facilitators. She can then search for, and select, other Activity Facilitators in the platform to serve as an Event Facilitator for the event.
The Facilitator Experience

April 2
Pages | Equivalencies Update
Pages can now be set as equivalent to any other activity type, including Assessments and E-learning - or legacy activities like Posts, Links, or Files.

Add Alt Text to Image Components in Pages
To improve platform accessibility, you now have the ability to add alt text to the image components you add to Pages. Select the image component after upload to add alt text through the component editor - as seen below:

Add Alt Text to Cover Art | API v3
We've updated the platform API to support the assignment of alt text for the activity cover art you upload via API using the 'image_alt_text' field.
'updated_on' Field now across all Endpoints | API v3
We've updated the platform API to make the 'updated_on' field available across all endpoints - alongside the update, we also added the ability to specify a date, or date range, for pulling data from the field.