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Topic Following helps users stay engaged with the freshest learning resources added to a Topic. It also takes personalization to the next level by putting the Intellum platform to work for your users.

Allow topic following to add personalized sections of content to a user's homepage and automate notifications when new content is added to the Topics the user follows.

Learner Experience

Topic following is a feature developed for and only used by the learner. No admin intervention is necessary; enable the feature and continue adding fresh content to your Topics—Intellum will do the rest.

Follow Topics From the Catalog

With Topic Following enabled, topics feature a toggle that allows a user to follow—or unfollow—them. The Follow button is available to learners at the top of each Topic page.

Follow Topics From the User Profile

Users can also follow topics from their profile by selecting Profile in the menu in the top right corner

To follow Topics using this method, users simply check the boxes next to the topics they'd like to follow and then click Save.

Followed Topic Sections

Followed Topic Sections bring the power of personalization to your home pages. Add them to an organization's Home Sections Layout settings to give users immediate access to the content within the topics they follow.

When added, learners in an Organization will see a section on the homepage for each topic they follow. Up to 10 Followed topic sections are available.

Topic Follow notifications

Following a topic can also enable in-platform notifications for users when new content is added to their followed topics. Contact an Intellum representative to enable Topic Following Notifications, and users will receive a Notification when new activities are added to a topic.

Review Followed Topics

Users can review their followed topics through their user profile. Both public and private views of the profile display this feature. A user can click the linked text to access a list of topics she is currently following; each topic listed is linked to that topic page in Browse.